Monday, July 27, 2009

Hulala iPIX

Hey Surfriders!

Wanna find out the secrets to my beautiful photo gallery, like how I jazz up my hair and make it sparkle? And check out my glittering mermaid postcard! Shhh… I have a secret to share! It’s the new Hulala iPhone App,Hulala iPIX!

With Hulala iPIX I can turn all of my pictures into pinappliciously pretty photo postcards! And here’s the coolest thing—after you pick a frame, just shake your iPhone/iTouch to change to a new frame and you’ll hear coolala sound effects! So bumbleberrylicous! The Disco frame is definitely my fave! Which is your favorite? Be sure to download Hulala iPIX at the iTunes store and show off your creativity! It’s Hulala Mana Cowacowabunga cool!

Here is the direct link to iTunes Store:
Also, Click here to visit Hulala iPIX Homepage!

Monday, February 16, 2009

say "No!" to plastic bags and to recycle!


Hi there, Hulala Surfriders!

We've reported a while back on the plastic patch floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the problems that it is causing on the marine ecosystem. Click here to read up on it in case you have not.

Well, it's good to know that some of us are doing something about it! Take New York for example, Mayor Bloomberg has announced his plan to push for a plastic bag tax (6 cents) for each bag used. This will no doubt give shoppers more incentive to say "No!" to plastic bags and to recycle!

Mayor Bloomberg, we Hulala Girls salute you for taking this bold step forward. We hope that other cities follow your fine example soon. We need to take big steps to reduce our overall dependency / use of plastic products.

Remember: Recycle, Reduce and Reuse!

Let's do our part to save the ocean because our lives depend on it!

Here are a couple of articles to help you get familiar with the issue at hand.
Link 1:Click here
Link 2:Click here
So surfriders, what do you think? Is this a good idea? Share with us what cool things you're doing in your neighborhood to help reduce plastic bag use! Go shake it!

Got to go catch some waves now...later!

Wave Power Rocks!

Calling all Surfriders!

November is LAVA-Love Mother Nature month on Cowlanai! As you know, I Hulala-LAVA-Love shredding waves! When I’m surfing, I feel the awesome power of the ocean! Ripping curls and flying through the tube rocks! So rad! This got me thinking though…let’s find new ways to capture that coolala wave’s power and put it to good use! I’m thinking green energy! Humm…let me get going on the research. Oh, anyone know where my surfboard is? See you later, alligators!

Click here to read more:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

MermaidTastic SurfingTastic!


The MermaidTastic game is finally here! All mermaids, all dress-up, all the time! Check it out! Mele, Skye and I have already given it test drive and it rocks! Check out my Bumbleberry-licious designs! Now, surf it!

Here is the direct link:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hulala Girl - Hana

Hi Surfriders,

I am Hulala Girl Hana, Princess of the Sea.

It's nice to meet you all. I'm new to BlogSpot, and I'm so Hulala Lava Excited.

You can check out my CowaCowaBunga Blog on and click on GreenWall.

Actually just surf it to here:

And we've got some coolala, sassy girl games. Did I hear you love dress-up?

Check this one out:

It's FUN, FREE, and GREEN.